DSM III Schizophreniform Disorder

Using five methods of validation the authors evaluated six patients satisfying DSM-III criteria for schizophreniform disorder. These patients did not differ importantly from patients with affective disorders but differed markedly from schizophrenic patients in past psychiatric history, family history, acute treatment response, short- term course, and dexamethasone suppression test results. The findings suggest that schizophreniform […]

Dialysis for Schizophrenia: Review of Clinical Trials and Implications for Further Research

At least 67 schizophrenic patients have undergone dialysis for renal failure, without improvement in schizophrenic symptoms. Ninety-two nonuremic schizophrenic patients have received dialysis in nonblind studies; 22 improved, 21 improved partially, 47 showed no change, and 2 became worse. The authors point out factors other than dialysis that may affect outcome, including family response and […]